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Managers VS Leaders, How to differentiate ?

Managers VS Leaders, How to differentiate ?

-Manager vs Leader-
     When we talk about organization and company in our mind will be pop up the word “Leader and Manager” . Most of people  thought that leader and manager were a little bit same, so it was a big mistake when we argued about it was same. So before we talk it more detail we must know what is managers and leaders are. Manager is a person with responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company or similar organization. But, Leader is The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. A manager is not necessarily a leader and a leader does not have to occupy certain positions or positions. You are a manager may be because you are appointed / appointed to occupy that position. But you become a leader when your personal, character, knowledge, and skills are recognized and accepted by those you lead. So that your people no longer do what you ask just because you are their boss but rather because they love and respect for you. So from the definition we can see what is the different between leader and manager. Here are the details about the differentiation

     1.   Leaders innovate, while managers manage
When we talk about Leaders, we talk more than just managers, directors or directors. We discuss things deeper than one's intellectual or intellectual abilities. Leaders are the brains of an organization. Like a skipper who directs where the ship will be heading to. The leader is fully responsible for the things that happen within the organization that he leads. Leader has the Vision and the ability to direct are the two things that determine the capacity of a Leader. Whatever the point of view, it is clear that Leader is someone who has a vision and is able to become a motor or innovator for the organization in the face of change.

       2.      Leaders inspiring,  while managers rely on control.
             Leader inspires the point is that the inspiration came from the group leader. Leaders have charisma that gives the impact of increased loyalty, devotion and the desire of followers to carry out the leader's wishes. The best evidence of inspiring leadership comes in despair and bad situations. Inspiration is needed by subordinates to keep them passionate about achieving goals even though the pressures they encounter are quite heavy while the desired rewards are not acceptable before the goal is reached.
Managers rely on control of their duty is to maintain control over people by helping them develop their own assets and expend their greatest talents. We use the word "rule" for all instructions and controls in a formal form. Rules should never go wrong. For example: rules on bribery ban and rules that the pilot should never fly without permission from the flight control tower. Some regulations contain restrictions on unethical conduct, illegal acts and other inappropriate acts. The rules require positive action. The difference between the prohibition of action and the required action is often not so obvious that the managers have to give awareness of the differences he is over. “Drucker” writes that their job is to maintain control over people by helping them develop their own assets and expelling their greatest talents. To do this effectively, you must know the people who work with and understand their interests and passions. The manager then creates decisions about salary, promotional placements, and through communication with the team. Managing a project is one thing, empowering others is another.

3.                   The leader asks "what" and "why," while the manager asks "how".
 To ask what and why you should be able to question why others are doing certain actions that occur. Sometimes it requires you to challenge your boss. This means that they are able to stand up for management when they think something needs to be done for the company. Leaders are not always right of course. If your company fails, the leader's job is to come and say, "What do we learn from this?" And "How do we use this failure to clarify our goals or get something better?" Instead, managers do not really thinking about what failure means. Their job is to ask "how" and "when" to make sure they implement the appropriate plan. Drucker writes that managers accept the status quo and are more like soldiers in the military. They know that the essential commands and plans and their job is to keep their vision on the company's current goals. Although for two roles may be similar, "The best managers are also leaders," Wade said. "I think you can do both, but you have to take the time to work on it." More specifically, leaders and manager differences can be seen from three things that always relate to it: the source of power gained, subordinates, and work environment.
Based on the source of power acquired, a manager is selected through formal channels (such as elected by commissioners or directors) on a juridical basis. This means that a person can be a manager if he has a juridical basis that is a decision letter or letter of appointment. While the leader of power that is owned under a social contract with members or subordinates. Associated with subordinates, managers have subordinates who are usually referred to as staff or employees who have formal positions within the organizational hierarchy. Subordinates or employees obey their commands, for fear of being punished by the manager. While the leader has subordinates who are usually referred to as followers. Subordinate or follow the command of the leader on the basis of the leader's authority against subordinates or followers because of the skills and abilities and good treatment.
In terms of work environment, managers usually can only lead to the work environment of formal organizations only and responsible to their superiors. While the leader can lead the work environment of the organization both formal and informal and responsible to his subordinates. A leader is part of the follower while the manager is part of the organization. Based on this it can be understood that the leader has the basic function of directing and moving all subordinates to move in the same direction of purpose. While the function of a manager related to management, namely activities around planning, organizing, staffing, directing and control. In carrying out its function, a manager more often utilizes the authority and power of position in a structural manner that has binding power by being able to force or punishment to direct subordinates. While a leader more emphasis on the influence or charisma it has so subordinates consciously to follow the direction of the leader. It stimulates, facilitates,  in any activity that wants subordinates to follow. Not with gifts, coercion or punishment. Leaders and managers are one of the essence, core resources, and the central point of every activity that occurs within an organization or company. How the creativity and dynamics of a leader or manager in exercising his authority will determine whether the goals of the organization or company can be achieved or not. The thing to emphasize is that the manager is not always bad and the leader is good. The need for the right combination and mixture between the two is indispensable in the organization, at different levels of office. So that the organization being undertaken can achieve its goals effectively and efficiently
-Summary of the differentiation between leader and manager-

Case and Solving
Laura is the Associate Director of a non-profit agency that provides assistance to children and families. She is the head of a department that focuses on evaluating the skill-building programs the agency provides to families. She reports directly to the agency leadership. As a whole, the agency has been cautious in hiring this year because of increased competition for federal grant funding. However, they have also suffered high staff turnover. Two directors have left, as well as three key research staff, and one staff person from the finance department. Laura has a demanding schedule that requires frequent travel; however she supervises two managers, who in turn are responsible for five staff members each. Both managers have been appointed within the last six months.
Manager 1: Kelly has a specific background in research. She manages staff who provide research support to another department that delivers behavioral health services to youth. Kelly supports her staff and is very organized; however, she often takes a very black and white view of issues. Upper level leadership values Kelly’s latest research on the therapeutic division’s services. Kelly is very motivated, driven, and expects the same from her staff.
Manager 2: Linda has a strong background in social science research and evaluation. She manages staff that work on different projects within the agency. She is known as problem solver and is extremely supportive of her staff. She is very organized and has a wealth of experience in evaluation of family services. Linda is very capable and can sometimes take on too much.
The managers are sensing that staff are becoming over-worked as everyone takes on increased responsibilities due to high staff turnover. Staff have also mentioned that Laura’s “glass half-empty” conversation style leaves them feeling dejected. In addition, Laura has not shared budgets with her managers, so they are having difficulty appropriately allocating work to staff. Laura said she has not received sufficient information from the finance department to complete the budgets. The finance department said they have sent her all the information they have available. As staff become distressed, the managers are becoming frustrated. They feel like they are unable to advocate for their staff or problem solve without key information like the departmental budget.
  1. How can Laura most effectively use both management and leadership skills in her role as associate director? What combination of the two do you think would work best in this setting?
Answer :
A director could be both a leader and manager. However given that the two mangers are very capable and directly manage all the department staff, Laura should focus on being a leader. She should delegate managerial responsibilities to the two managers. This strategy will build the managers’ confidence allowing them to problem-solve for their staff. It will also free Laura to focus on building a greater sense of staff commitment to mission and vision.
  1. What steps could be taken to build staff confidence?
Answer :
Staff seems uncertain about the future due to high turnover and a Laura’s negative conversation style. Building staff confidence could involve:
a.          Giving managers more autonomy and the needed information to manage their staff
b.          Communicating regularly with staff about changes
c.           Encourage staff to pursue professional development and learning opportunities and provide time for them to do so
d.          Engaging in team building exercises and interactions
e.           Incentivizing excellent performance
f.           Addressing Laura’s conversation style directly, explaining to her how it impacts staff perceptions
g.           Involving staff in the hiring process where possible as team vacancies are filled
h.          Talking to staff directly and without retribution about the issues they think contribute to high-turnover.
  1. What advice would you give Laura on improving her leadership skills and to the managers on improving their management skills?
Answer :
It might help for both Laura and the managers to take a personality or leadership/management assessment. This way the mangers can ascertain their individual skills, learn how they can best support employees, and figure out how they can work together to use each other's strengths to run the department. Using a Style approach, Manager 1 appears to utilize a task oriented approach and Manager 2 demonstrates a relationship oriented style. These two orientations could be structured to support one another. Laura can focus on building leadership skills by building on her current strengths. In addition, Laura may want to revisit the roles and responsibilities of each position and how her division's work aligns with the overall organizational mission. Aligning with the overall mission and communicating it to staff may help improve morale and provide clarity on the department's role and direction.
  1. Which leadership style do you think a leader would need to be effective in this situation?
Answer :
Several leadership approaches may be suited for the position described in the scenario:
a.       Skills: Centers on the ability to solve complex problems. The non-profit is having several difficulties at the organizational level including high-turnover.
b.      Path Goal: Motivates employees by defining goals, clarifying paths, removing obstacles, and providing support. This type of leadership may work well in building employee morale.
c.       Transformational: Treats employees as complete human beings, considers emotions and perspectives. Builds motivation by providing a clear vision, acting as a social architect, building trust, and positive self-regard.

So, which one will you choose to be ?
-That’s all about the differentiation between Leader and Manager-

-Thank you-


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