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Managers VS Leaders, How to differentiate ?

Managers VS Leaders, How to differentiate ? -Manager vs Leader-      When we talk about organization and company in our mind will be pop up the word “Leader and Manager” . Most of people  thought that leader and manager were a little bit same, so it was a big mistake when we argued about it was same. So before we talk it more detail we must know what is managers and leaders are. Manager is a person with responsible f or controlling or administering all or part of a company or similar organization. But, Leader is The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. A manager is not necessarily a leader and a leader does not have to occupy certain positions or positions. You are a manager may be because you are appointed / appointed to occupy that position. But you become a leader when your personal, character, knowledge, and skills are recognized and accepted by those you lead. So that your people no longer do what you ask just because you are their boss
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What might the student do to enhance this perception of being charismatic ?

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